Idea Mapping – A Fast Learning Technique

This learning technique, also known as mind mapping, is an creative thinking or outlining method for putting ideas on paper. Compared to simple outlining, idea mapping is much better because for one, it isn’t linear. As such, ideas can organically be mapped and grow because many of them don’t follow a straight line anyway. What this means is ideas can flow back and forth while still being developed and branch out instead of being like ducks in a row.

Another advantage idea mapping has over simple outlining is that it allows for ideas or points to be connected to not just one other idea but several. You can connect them to others that precede or succeed it. You don’t limit them in this sense. A third advantage it has is that it’s visual and spatial, which allows you to more quickly and better see the whole picture and the relationships of ideas with one another. You can easily see in just one glance which ideas are more important and which ones are the least important, enabling you to focus better. Lastly, an idea map is superior to simple outlines because it makes adding new information and relating them to what’s already on the map much easier. You don’t have to rewrite the whole thing – you can just draw another connecting arrow or line and write the idea. There are many kinds of idea maps but there are two that stand out as among the most common and popular: the Cloud-Circle-Flowchart (CCF) and Tree Branch (TB).

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In a CCF idea map, the main point or idea (also referred to as Level 1) is written at the center of the paper, with a cloud drawn around the idea. It’s important for the sake of efficiency to write the idea first before drawing the shape because doing otherwise run the risk of the idea not being able to fit inside the shape, which can make your idea map look ugly and may force you to redo the whole thing.Supporting ideas are written after the Level 1 or main idea/point and a shape is drawn around them as well. In order to illustrate its relationship to the main or other ideas, connecting arrows are drawn from the bigger idea to the smaller idea. Lower level ideas are also written, drawn a shape and given connecting arrows to other bigger, equally important or sub-ordinate ideas as well.


This alternative idea map is one that provides similar benefits as the CCF style but with an added benefit of being able to create sub-levels that can be visualized easier. In particular, this can be very useful if you have multiple sub-levels, e.g., main-sub-sub2-sub3 and so forth.


Aside from the superior points of idea mapping over simple outlining, here are other important benefits of using idea mapping as a learning technique:

● You can integrate complex ideas better by being able to add and connect ideas to any other idea or ideas;

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● You can organically grow your sets of ideas and points by being able to add new points and ideas in seemingly random order without affecting the hierarchal and established relationships already established among the existing points and ideas;

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● You can incorporate diagrams and pictures and connect them using links; and

● Because idea maps present ideas and points in a seemingly picturesque manner, your mind is able to better absorb and learn the material because the mind thinks better in pictures.


There are many free idea mapping software and applications that are available over the Internet for easier creation of such. However, doing it manually – at least in the beginning – can help you use such programs more efficiently. It’salso worth noting that the physical act of writing down your ideas can help you learn ideas much better. You may want to use colored markers or pens and draw different shapes in different colors and sizes too. You can also emphasize more important ideas by making their shape’s outline thicker or their letters bolder. Here are more tips on how to manually create a good idea map:

● Our minds think better wider than taller and as such, it’s a better idea to use a landscape orientation for your idea map’s paper;

● As mentioned earlier, it’s better to write the idea or point down first before drawing the shape to avoid making mistakes, i.e., ideas unable to fit within shapes;

● Write the highest level or main idea at the center of the paper; and

● Limit your ideas’ words to a few words or a very short phrase in order to ensure that your map fits in the paper.

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