Physical Fitness And Memory

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It is a fact that your body is directly related to your mental health. Your memory is not going to enhance itself. You are going to have to do it, and one of the proven techniques is to make sure that your body is in prime form. I am not talking about hitting the gym and aiming for six packs in three months. I am talking about staying fit, though flabby and without muscle. Being physically fit has been mistaken for turning into Ryan gosling for too long now. The myth needs to be shattered, as you can be physically fit without looking so. When you are physically healthy, your mind picks up the signal and tries to improve itself. It is a biological phenomenon that your mind’s health is directly related to your body.

Of course it is not necessary that you develop a six-packs, but it would not hurt to have one either. For the same, you must hit the local gym and exercise yourself to death. You can choose to stay physically fit by improving your plate. Do not go for oily and fatty food, as all you get from such food items is fat and acids, which are harmful for your memory. Recurring disease are also an important contributor towards memory degradation. You can improve memory in two ways – by enhancing it from zero, or by removing factors that take it to below zero. Sometimes, your memory is below zero by default, even before you realize that your memory is bad. Hence, it is important you start alienating those factors that are taking your memory down.

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Start with the cleansing process by first bringing it to zero and then dream of taking it further from there. For the same, get rid of your unhealthy food choices. Like it is said above, no oily food items should form a part of your diet. Go for boiled and steamed food over fried or roasted food. Boiling and steaming are such cooking processes that waste the minimum of essential natural nutrients of the food subjected to boiling or steaming. After a vegetable is boiled, it retains almost all its original nutrients that are beneficial to you. However, when fried or roasted, or subjected to any process that involves the employment of heat, the essential elements of a natural food product are destroyed. Remember, fire destroys while ice preserves.

Stage III

Stage three of the memory enhancement process largely consists of steps taken to make sure whatever you have learned stays with you. It is a step that is based on the principles of retention. In order to be sure that the ways you followed to improve your memory are not un-followed after a few weeks of religious devotion, here are enlisted certain tips to be followed:

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● You have to have a certain amount of self-belief so as to survive the process of memory enhancement. Without you believing in yourself regarding the process of memory retention, you cannot simply hope to enhance your memory.

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● Besides self-belief, a substantial level of self-confidence also goes into your memory improvement. Unless you are confident about retaining things that matter to you in general, memory improvement remains a dream that is yet to be fulfilled.

● Stage third of memory enhancement helps you make the entire procedure more solid in terms of retention. When you seal the deal, you make sure that whatever you learned from the procedure stays with you for longer than a predictable amount of time.

The three prescribed stages of memory enhancement are numbered for a reason. You must perform in whole the first stage before advancing into the second and so on. Make sure your mind is prepared to take the efforts to be put in for improvement of your memory. Do not rush into the entire process without first readying yourself for it. Although there are no noticeable adverse reactions, the chances of receiving efficient outputs get decreased to substantial levels.

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The process that has been given above is a wholesome one. You cannot expect results out of it by simply going through them as if you are reading the morning newspaper. You need to be dedicated towards improving your memory. The steps so written are only a skeleton work and are in no way exhaustive. You could tweak them according to your own circumstances and convenience. However, if you thought religiously performing the process would be enough, you are in for a rude awakening.

There is no sure shot way to improving your memory overnight. You need to understand that these are only suggestions gathered from the experiences of those who have suffered memory issues in the past, survived them and made it out to clinch success in the end. This chapter was not an encyclopedia of memory tips, but rather the success story of those who have suffered the same hurdles as you. If they could beat the odds, I don’t see a reason for you not to.

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